
svc-acneAcne is a disorder of the sebaceous gland (a gland that secretes sebum to lubricate the skin). It develops when the opening of the gland becomes clogged with sebum and dead skin cells. Acne can occur at all ages especially during puberty. It commonly affects the face, neck, chest and back. Possible causes and factors linked to acne development include hormonal changes, bacteria (Propionibacterium acnes) growth, genetic factors, make-up or greasy skincare products that clogs pores, stress and certain medications such as steroids. 

Acne treatment depends on whether you have mild, moderate or severe acne. Our doctor will examine your skin and recommend the appropriate treatment plan tailored to your needs. Very often, a combination of treatments is required for effective acne eradication and maintenance of acne-prone skin. 

Types of Acne Treatment include : 

Prescription Topical Treatment & Clinical Skincare

Topical treatments may help to reduce sebum or oil on the skin, kill bacteria, promote skin cell turnover and prevent plugging of hair follicles. Our anti-acne products contain active ingredients such as benzoyl peroxide, clindamycin, salicylic acid, azelaic acid and tretinoin.

It is important to understand that acne does not clear up overnight and it may take up to 4 weeks to see improvement. Topical treatments are most effective when they are consistently used as not sticking to a regimen may delay any potential improvements. 

Oral Medication

Prescription oral medication is required for moderate to severe acne. However, you may not see results until 4 weeks later. A course of antibiotics can be prescribed to reduce bacteria and fight inflammation. Antibiotics can cause minimal side effects, such as an upset stomach. For female patients, oral contraceptive pills can also be prescribed to control acne 

Professional Chemical Peels

Our chemical peels contains a unique blend of naturally occurring milk and fruit acids to improve acne. These mild acids will remove dead skin cells and  loosen black heads. Besides treating acne, the peel also promotes a more even skin tone and clear complexion by lightening pigmented acne scars and other blemishes. Areas that can be treated with chemical peels include the face and back.

No significant recovery time is needed following the peel. The procedure can be performed during your lunch hour and you may return to work immediately after that. However, there will be some skin flakiness for two or three days following the treatment. It will be advisable to avoid sunlight exposure and wear sunscreen regularly after the peel.

Corticosone Injection

A manifestation of acne that can be both painful and distressing is cystic acne – a ball of inflammation located deeper in the skin and can persist for weeks. This unsightly blemish is sure to wreck any wedding day or red carpet event where you have to look your best. Often, cystic acne are resistant to treatment with topical creams and acne medications. Fortunately, there is a quick fix to soothe redness and swiftly make the pimple a bygone – Cortisone injection. 

Cortisone injection is administered directly into the pimple. Within a day or two, the medication will shrink the inflammation, providing pain relief and almost immediate cosmetic improvement. In additional, the injection will reduce inflammation promptly and reduce the risk of scarring.


For more information or to schedule an appointment, please contact our clinic at 03-80811521 or click here to submit an enquiry.