Nose Reshaping

svc-plateletrichplasmaMany consider a higher nose bridge with a sharp and well defined tip to be more attractive. While this is possible with the traditional nose job, currently many patients are turning to non-surgical nose reshaping with fillers as a fast and safe option with minimal recovery time.

What kinds of improvements can be expected after nose reshaping with fillers ?

The goal of nose reshaping with fillers is to sculpt a nose that is proportionate to the patient’s face. The procedure is not aimed to create a Caucasian nose in an Asian patient, but to enhance the individual’s natural beauty rather than change the appearance of the nose drastically. Injectable fillers are administered to sculpt a higher nose bridge with a more refined tip, thus significantly improving the facial profile. In addition, fillers can also be administered to camouflage undesirable bulges and bumps on the patient’s nose.

How is the procedure like ?

Nose reshaping with fillers is a 15 minute procedure and is quite comfortable as the filler is pre-mixed with an anaesthetic agent. Topical anaesthetic cream will be applied before the procedure. Immediate results can be seen and effects can last up to 2 years.

What are the common side effects of nose reshaping with fillers ?

Swelling and bruising are occasionally encountered but the effects will subside within a week.

What are the limitations of nose reshaping with fillers ?

There are certain limitations – while fillers can reshape and sculpt the nose, it cannot reduce the nose size or make the nose appear narrower. Major corrections to the nose’s actual shape also cannot be done.


For more information or to schedule an appointment, please contact our clinic at 03-80811521 or click here to submit an enquiry.